Marlow Music Festival 2nd-15th Nov

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Violinist Lucy Anderson performing at the concert

Marlow Music Festival is a popular and well-established community event on the Marlow calendar. It was set up as a charity nearly 20 years ago with the goal to encourage young (and not so young) musicians to develop their talent by providing a forum for them to perform in front of a small audience and an adjudicator and gain professional feedback on the performance.

Hundreds of local children and adults take part each year and the performances are attended by relatives, friends, and music-loving Marlovians.

This year’s Festival will be held between the 2nd and 15th of November in All Saints Church, Marlow (vocal and choir classes) and The Shelley Theatre, Court Garden, Marlow (all other classes and the final concert with the presentation of awards).

The Festival is organised by volunteers who donate their time and expertise to ensure that it runs successfully and within budget. The considerable running costs, particularly for hiring the venues and a high-quality piano for performers and accompanists and for paying professional adjudicators are met by entry fees and thanks to the generosity of local businesses.

Festival Concert and Presentation of Awards: Friday 15th November 2013 at Shelley Theatre 7pm

 Tickets on sale from the Marlow Information Centre or on the night. Full details:

Martin Smith performing


All Saints’ Boys Choir








Article author: Paul Merchant

About the author: Founded in its original version back in 2000 - yes the internet DID exist back then. Brought up in Marlow, went to school here, now has children at the same schools. Quite clearly loves all things Marlow - hence spending over 2 decades doing this!

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