What is this list?
At MyMarlow, we are often asked to recommend local charities and good causes – when companies, groups or individuals are looking to donate funds, or volunteer time and other resources locally. We created this resource as a starting place for these potential donors/volunteers to look….
How can you add a charity or local good cause?
We have created a special online form to submit details, please follow this link to send us details.
The MyMarlow Register of local Charities and Good Causes
Marlow Age Concern

Registered Charity No 289444
Address : 38 Glade Rd, Marlow SL7 1DH
Area served: Marlow and surrounding area
Contact Laura Tilbury (Day Centre Manager) Phone: 01628 482883
email: marlowageconcern@waitrose.com
We support older residents (and people who have suffered strokes) at our Day Centre, particularly those confined to their homes by age or infirmity. We offer door to door pick-up and return, various social activities and a freshly cooked two course lunch charged at £7.00. Guests are normally recommended by doctors or social workers.
In addition we offer transport from home to doctor (or hospital appointments) for those who are unable to use public transport. This service is charged at 65p per mile.
Help needed: We always need volunteers: cooks and kitchen helpers, day centre assistants, car and minibus drivers, minibus helpers, fund raisers, help with maintenance tasks
3rd Marlow Bridge Scout Group

Charity no. 300683
3rd Marlow Bridge Scout HQ, Mill Road, Marlow, SL7 1PX
Area covered: Marlow and surrounding area
Contact Info
- To sign up for Beavers/Cubs/Scouts: membership@3mbscouts.org
- Contact about fundraising: fundraising@3mbscouts.org
- Adult volunteers: volunteer@3mbscouts.org
- All other enquiries: secretary@3mbscouts.org
What we do: The Mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society
Donations Sought
- We are always looking for donations to help with the upkeep of the Scout Hut as well as for equipment for camping and activities
- We are always looking for volunteers in a number of roles
- Working directly with the young people as leaders in uniform
- Working as assistants to the leaders to help out with meetings and events
- Working behind the scenes helping with things such as maintenance, kit help, fundraising, etc…
Lighthouse Marlow

Registered Charity: Yes
Located: Holy Trinity School, Marlow
Area served: Marlow
Contact info: Lighthouse Marlow Chairman, Sarah Jones & Admin Co-ordinator, Wendy Beckett are both contactable via the website or by email marlow@lighthousecentral.org.
What we do: Lighthouse Marlow runs a Christian holiday club for primary aged children for one week each summer. It is organised and run by volunteers from all churches in Marlow but serves children of all faiths and none. The week always has a theme running through each day and this is used as a basis for the activities which always include craft, sport and a discovery session. The day starts and ends with a mainstage session with everyone on site in our main tent sharing worship, songs, fun and the gunge tank.
Donations Sought
We do not charge for children to attend but rely on donations from parents of the children attending, local churches & businesses. The week is staffed by around 300 volunteers and these always include a large number of secondary age young people aged between 12 and 18, but our volunteers range in age from 12 right up to late 80s
We also always need donations of tea, coffee, biscuits and cakes to keep our volunteers fueled during the day, and paper, pens, paint etc for our craft activities.
One Can Trust

Contact info: onecan@live.co.uk 01494 512277
Registered Charity
Area served: High Wycombe and South Bucks
What we do: We are an independent food bank serving High Wycombe and South Buckinghamshire. We rely on our community to donate food items which we redistribute to those in food crisis who have been referred by our partner agencies. We are supported by over 150 volunteers who help out with sorting food donations, packing parcels, admin support and driving. We have a food parcel collection point at the Marlow Methodist Church in Spittal Street and we have a food donation bin in Sainsbury’s in Marlow where supporters can leave food donations. We help many Marlow residents with food parcels in their times of crisis. We have relationships with companies in Marlow who volunteer in large groups to help us in our warehouse.
Donations Sought
- funds for covering overheads
- volunteers to be the lifeblood of the charity
- food donations to enable us to continue to provide the service
Marlow Community Association

Registered Charity number 300301
Located: Liston Hall, Chapel Street, Marlow
Area served: Marlow and surrounding area
Contact info: marlowcommunity@btconnect.com
Office Cindy Gillies 01628 472558
Chairman: Richard Scott 01628 472558
What we do:
What we do: Marlow Community Association (MCA) brings together groups and individuals who offer mutual support and friendship and provide them with the facilities to pursue that aim.
Liston Hall provides up to four flexible and cost-effective letting spaces and a full kitchen.
MCA organises the Marlow Carnival which takes place in September each year. This is an opportunity for the Association and many local charities and organisation to provide a fun Marlow event and raise funds for themselves. The Carnival has its own website www.marlowcarnival.com.
Donations Sought
Donations sought: We are always looking for volunteers for help in our office every weekday morning.
We raise funds to maintain our letting rooms in excellent condition. The building itself is 100 years old and also requires to be maintained in good condition.
Bucks Search & Rescue

Registered charity number 1073134
Area served: Buckinghamshire and assisting surrounding counties
Contact info: Mags Kelly, 07789926846, Chair@bsar.org.uk
What we do:
What we do: Bucks Search & Rescue is a member unit of the UK’s Lowland Rescue service.
Alongside Mountain Rescue, Cave Rescue, the RNLI and Volunteer Coastguard, we form the backbone of specialist help for the emergency services when anyone is in need of finding or rescuing.
Lowland Rescue teams find missing people using specialist foot, bike, boat and dog-teams, often over large areas of varied terrain.
Bucks Search & Rescue (BSAR) are a group of trained unpaid volunteers on call 24hrs a day, 365 days a year to assist Thames Valley Police and other emergency services with locating, treating and evacuating vulnerable missing people, inc children, elderly and despondent persons. We search for people from all social backgrounds and many are vulnerable members of our community. Our most frequent searches are for Children, Teenagers, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, sufferers, Despondent and Mental health sufferers. Even if the missing person is not located, it still gives great comfort to family and friends to know that something is being done to help find their loved ones. Our volunteer team is trained in rapid searching techniques and navigation to cover this ground effectively, and first aid skills to help casualties when we do find them.
Donations Sought
As a charity we can only remain operational if we funds through grants and donations.
Funds are required to train and equip new recruits. Purchase specialised kit (water kit, drones etc.) to maintain everyday operational equipment. We have specific projects currently to purchase a new incident vehicle, a water sled, additional water kit and uniforms for the 15 new recruits.
All Saints’ Marlow Music Trust

Registered Charity No. 1164231
Located: Parish Office, The Causeway, Marlow. SL7 2AA
Area served: Marlow and surrounding area
Contact info: chairman@asmmusictrust.org.uk
What we do:
What we do: All Saints’ Marlow Music Trust was set up in 2012 with the purpose of enhancing and supporting the strong musical tradition at All Saints’. It does this by recognising the potential of young musicians and facilitating their access to expert choral and other musical training. Through the generous support of interested individuals and companies, and through special concerts, the Trust has been able to establish a highly successful Choral Scholarship scheme and now funds an Organ Scholarship.
As a result, more and more young people are able to gain both in musical and lifetime skills, and the Trust is confident that, with continued support, the key contribution music makes to church and the wider community can be assured.
Donations Sought
- Regular and one-off donations, please see: https://4u-team.org/churches/all-saints-marlow/music-trust/
- Support for concerts promoted by the Trust