has linked up with one of our wonderful sponsors – Crowne Plaza Marlow to offer this cracking prize via our Facebook page:
For two people – One night’s accommodation in a standard room, with evening meal and breakfast. As a guest you can of course also make use of the superb pool and quad Club gym facilities!
All you need to do is
- Like our Facebook Page
- Like AND Comment on our Competition post on Facebook. It doesn’t matter what you say, begging is fine – or just confirm you have “Liked/shared” , we will probably believe you
- If you ALSO Share that post- you will get you an extra entry! (as long as your privacy settings allow us to see this)
- We will print out all the names – cross check them with people who have “Liked” our page, and will arrange for an suitably independent person to pull the winner out of some sort of receptacle. Quite possibly a hat! We will take and share photos of the grand prize draw.
- Closing Date = Midnight Friday 11th December 2015
Detailed Term and Conditions
- no cash alternative
- must be used prior to 12-10-16
- includes food, but beverages are NOT included
- certain peak dates etc may be excluded. Crown Plaza will be able to confirm availability.
- no transport etc is included