Get your entry in for Marlow Santa’s Fun Run!

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Santa Fun Run 036UPDATE: 17th October: They have record numbers for this stage in the build up,  and based on past experience it is entirely possible they will reach the 2500 limit before the end of October!!

On Sunday 4th December will be the twelfth running of The Marlow Santa’s Fun Run, organised by the Rotary Clubs of Marlow.

Once again 2500 runners, joggers and walkers will be in donning those red outfits to join  the fun!   As in previous years, the event will almost certainly be oversubscribed, so you need to get those entries in as soon as possible!

Visit the website is online entries:

0488.50am warm up exercises will once again be led by Naomi Riches, , our Paralympian gold medallist.  A really fun way to get yourself prepared!
9.30am run starts
Even if not participating, you can still enjoy the atmosphere of this very special event – the spectacle of 2500 Santas streaming up the High Street is quite something, and new for this year Jam Theatre group will be performing in the High Street immediately following the runners!
The lead charity is Christmas for Kids – a unique initiative that provides Xmas entertainment to Children’s Hospices. More detail can be found on
bt-sponsorshipAs always a host of other charities – mainly local – will benefit. Rotary distributes every single penny of the money raised, and are aiming to raise over £40,000 for good causes.  To achieve this they are asking runners to set about raising money for both Rotary and your own chosen charity. It’s so easy to do – just go to where you can set up your own donation page

Article author: Paul Merchant

About the author: Founded in its original version back in 2000 - yes the internet DID exist back then. Brought up in Marlow, went to school here, now has children at the same schools. Quite clearly loves all things Marlow - hence spending over 2 decades doing this!

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