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If you enjoy the great outdoors, yearn for fresh air, are in need of purposeful exercise, and all this at walking distance from your home, then you are ready for an allotment!
Join us to grow your own fruit, vegetables and flowers. Spring is the best time to get started, so don’t delay, phone Marlow Town Council on 01628 484024 to be added to the waiting list for an allotment plot.
Marlow has two allotment sites, Foxes Piece near the school of the same name and Hanging
Hill off Queens road. Both currently have limited vacancies, all Marlow residents are eligible to be added to the waiting list
Having an allotment requires time and commitment – turning the soil, adding compost,
sowing seeds, watering, tending the plants, and of course lots watering & weeding!
Once you take on your plot it will be your special area to design, plan & evolve as you wish; you can also bring a deckchair for a little rest and relaxation and to catch some rays in between your gardening activities. Tending your plot will be hard work but the
benefits are plenty, you will be making new friends, learning new skills, enjoy fresh air and exercise and then the fresh fruit and vegetables, and you can grow varieties that you can’t buy in the shops!!!
Your fellow allotment gardeners are happy to advise if you’re a beginner, so you won’t be left to struggle alone. People are always keen to swap produce and we have an outlet to charity if we grow more than we can eat.
The plots available in Marlow are about half the size of a tennis court (approx. 150 square metres). This is known as a “5 pole plot”. The annual cost is £7.50 per pole (some plots may vary slightly in size) and there is water available from spring to autumn.
For more information contact The Marlow Allotments Association via the website: or phone Sylvia – 079390 97771.
The allotments themselves are operated by Marlow Town Council, so applications to go on the waiting list should be addressed there :