Marlow Allotments Association have advised us that there are currently a number of Allotment plots available for Marlow residents to apply for – either at Foxes Piece or Hanging Hill.
With Spring fast approaching now is the time to get started, with a bit of hard work now crops will be ready to harvest in Summer and Autumn.
Those that are up for the challenge please email: or phone Sylvia on 07939 097771
About Marlow Allotments Association
The Association is dedicated to preserving the availability of allotments for local residents, giving advice & support to grow vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers for their families & friends. Marlow Town Council manages two allotment sites in the town:
The Foxes Piece site is located near the town centre, and backs onto the school of the same name. The plots are in a large flat site surrounded on most sides by residential areas. People use their plots to grow a wide range of fruit, vegetables and some flowers.
The Hanging Hill site is situated near St. Peters Roman Catholic School on the outskirts of Marlow. As the name suggests, most of the plots are on a hillside with spectacular views over Marlow and the surrounding countryside. As this site is slightly larger, there is vehicle access and some car parking areas, which helps with the fetching and carrying of equipment and crop gathering.
Find out more at