Marlow lit blue to say a big THANK YOU to the NHS!

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Iconic locations around Marlow have been lit blue, as a way of saying a big THANK YOU to the NHS.

This lighting and photography was carried out in advance of tonight, by local businesses Lumatech and SFL, for publication here and elsewhere. Thus, they are not a permanent feature that people would be encouraged to leave their houses and visit!

Chris Clarke, one of the team behind the lighting told us “We just wanted to show how Marlow, alongside everwhere else in the country values the work our amazing NHS staff are doing.  We made sure we obtained advance permission from Marlow Town Council, Bucks Council, Transport for Bucks, Bucks Street Works Team as well as each of the venues featured in the photographs.”

Chris, whose company Lumatech is an immersive lighting and special effects show specialist explained “The events industry have taken a hard hit, with us all twiddling our thumbs watching the great sacrifices the NHS frontline staff and key workers are making. We decided the least we could do is join with some great long term friends from my home town, Marlow and show our heartfelt appreciation with the #lightitblue campaign and say THANK YOU NHS”

SFL, is a leading audio visual production company, and Ben Reynolds one of their project managers lives in Marlow. With a large stock of equipment unused, SFL have released those resources to their team for local community and national projects that in support of the effort against COVID-19.

The #lightitblue campaign is a project that involves lighting landmarks to show support for Key Workers, SFL recently turned The Royal Albert Hall Blue. This inspired Ben to do what he could locally to show appreciation for the sacrifices being made by Key Workers in the UK.

Photography was by George Veys from SFL , being the third person on the team.

The small team strictly followed official guidelines to ensure social distancing and safety. There were other issues to consider too – nesting falcons meant the top spire of the church was not lit in blue and that the birds were not disturbed

Well done to those involved – it makes a striking statement, which we are sure we can all get behind – Thank you NHS!

Other locations lit up are here:

Article author: Paul Merchant

About the author: Founded in its original version back in 2000 - yes the internet DID exist back then. Brought up in Marlow, went to school here, now has children at the same schools. Quite clearly loves all things Marlow - hence spending over 2 decades doing this!

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