An advisory one-way system for pedestrians in Marlow’s town centre is to start within days, according to Marlow Town Council. The temporary arrangement is designed to keep people safe as the Coronavirus lockdown starts to ease.
As retailers reopen and businesses resume work, more people can be expected to visit Marlow town centre, making it difficult to maintain social distancing in line with government advice.
After reviewing the options and consulting various groups, the Town Council has opted for a one-way system for pedestrians in the town centre as an interim step. The scheme will go live next week.
Jocelyn Towns, Leader of Marlow Town Council, commented: “We have been driven by twin desires to help Marlow town centre recover after Covid while also doing everything we can to protect public health. We feel it is vital to act quickly.”
The pedestrian one-way system has the support of Buckinghamshire Council and Marlow’s police and is being funded by Marlow Town Council.
Prominent signage around and within the one-way zone will inform pedestrians which direction they are requested to walk. These will include directional stickers on the pavements.
Jocelyn Towns added: “This is a voluntary scheme, but we are putting our faith in the people of Marlow and visitors to respect it. The system should greatly reduce the risks of people being forced to get too close. In most parts of the zone it should also enable people to queue outside retailers while others pass by at a safe distance.”
The Council is seeking to put in place additional measures to keep inconvenience to a minimum. For example, it has gained permission from Buckinghamshire Council to place pop-up bicycle platforms on two car parking bays in the town centre, and is researching the best bicycle platforms to be installed as soon as possible.
Jocelyn Towns added: “The Town Council sees the recovery from Covid as a great opportunity to ‘build back better’. Our first measures will help the many people who have taken up cycling during the lockdown to continue as it eases. The Council will be coming forward with further sustainability measures later this year.“
“This has been a difficult time for all of Marlow, and the difficulties are not over. The Council will be working with the whole community to ensure a safe recovery”