*EXCLUSIVE* Plans for a new LIDL in Marlow!

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Exciting developments at the old Waitrose site on Chapel Street/Liston Road… a planning application has gone in for a brand new LIDL store!

Summary of what the Planning application involves

The actual application covers “Removal of an existing boundary wall and erection of part single/part two storey side/rear and single storey rear extensions with new trolley bay and bollards”

So, the proposal includes a slight extension in overall size, and a much simpler layout than the previous Waitrose – with a larger single shopping space on the ground floor as we detail further in the article. The opening hours proposed are 0700 – 22:00.

In LIDL’s own words: “The proposed development will comprise the extensions and alterations of the existing building to form a Lidl retail store, with associated hard landscaping and service areas. The proposals will contribute towards an improved local retail provision, with increased choice and competition, and will provide new full and part-time job opportunities for the local community.”

Who are LIDL?

Lidl commenced trading in the UK in 1994 and currently has over 800 stores. As they state in the application: “The Lidl retail philosophy centres on simplicity and maximum efficiency at every stage of the business, from supplier to consumer, enabling the company to sell high quality products from a limited range of exclusive own brand and well-known labels, at the lowest prices.”

Floor space

First floor would be warehouse, staff room etc, whilst the ground floor would be the main shop. The planning application includes extending out on the Liston Road side to increase overall size, as can be seen from below.

- with many thanks to our website sponsors -

Even die-hard Waitrose fans will admit the previous store was cramped on the ground floor, and the LIDL proposals do away with space taken up by staircases, and the fresh meat counter etc to create a larger single space.

External appearance

No real change to the Chapel Street frontage, but on Liston Road where the extension is would see it transformed as per the plans below.

MyMarlow says….

This is exciting news for Marlow! Some real competition in the supermarket offering, and filling a retail space that has been empty far too long! It will create plenty of new jobs, and we look forward to tracking progress of the application!

Watch this space – as usual 🙂

Article author: Paul Merchant

About the author: Founded MyMarlow.co.uk in its original version back in 2000 - yes the internet DID exist back then. Brought up in Marlow, went to school here, now has children at the same schools. Quite clearly loves all things Marlow - hence spending over 2 decades doing this!

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