Marlow Town Council and the Royal British Legion have confirmed that this very poignant and moving ceremony to remember the fallen will take place on Sunday 14th November this year.
The parade, which will consist of members of the armed forces, veterans, Royal British Legion, cadets, Brownies, Guides, Scouts and other local organisations, will leave from the Royal British Legion Headquarters in Station Approach at approximately 10.35am, arriving at the memorial on The Causeway for 10.45am when the service will commence. Canon Rev Dave Bull of All Saints’ Church will lead the prayer, with Marlow’s Town Band accompanying the hymns. Town Mayor, Cllr Richard Scott, will read a prayer for the fallen and those who suffer. Cadets from the three cadet units in the town will read out the names of the fallen. The Mayor from Marly-le-Roi, Mr Jean-Yves Perrot will lay a wreath on behalf of the people of Marly-le-Roi. Over 40 wreaths are to be laid at the memorial.
Lord Lieutenant for Buckinghamshire, The Countess Howe, will take part in the service. She will be accompanied by The Earl Howe. The Countess Howe will take the Salute at the end of the service from the podium near the gold postbox in the High Street.
Mayor Richard Scott said “I am very pleased to be leading the town’s Remembrance event at the first physical commemoration since 2019. I do hope as many residents as possible will be able to join those around the Memorial on The Causeway, but please be mindful of any Covid restrictions. I am particularly pleased to be joined by Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, The Countess Howe and Jean-Yves Perrot, Mayor of our French twin town, Marly le Roi ”.
The High Street and Marlow Bridge will be closed to traffic from 8.00am, with no parking from 8.00am, cars will be removed if necessary. All roads leading onto the High Street will be closed at that point. Once the parade and service have finished, the High Street and the bridge will be opened up for traffic.