Work is currently underway at 65 High Street, you may have seen the scaffolding going up recently – so here’s a quick update.
The building has been mostly been used for office space, but is now being converted into what is described as a “Boutique Hotel”. In short, this entails a bar and restaurant on the ground – and the first floor will have five guest rooms and two function rooms.
There was an original successful planning application submitted in April 2020, but then a slightly updated version was submitted in September 2022 and then approved in March this year.
The proposed opening hours are 8am to midnight.
For planning application fans – the precise wording is below. Not much more to say at this moment, but we will keep you posted of course!
“Change of use from mixed Class Offices (B1) and Gym (D2) to mixed Class A3/A4 (Food and Drink) at ground floor level, creation of five guest bedrooms to first floor (C1), construction of terrace area over flat roofed element, levelling of ground adjacent to new side entrance with internal and external alterations. Demolition of existing first floor timber link block and mansard roof. Construction of second floor rear extension with 4 x conservation style roof lights and new glazed link
block (Alternative Scheme to 20/05955/FUL)”