Just after 5pm, a motion was passed by the Strategic Sites Committee of Bucks Council to REFUSE the planning application for Marlow Film Studios.
The meeting took nearly 6 hours, and the key stages were:
The Council’s Planning Consultant – John Fannon outlined the plans in details, and recommended refusal, given the benefits did not outweigh the harm.
Then cases were made for and against by numerous local councillors, residents and members of campaign groups, including very prominent and passionate in opposition – Richard Sherwin of the “Save Marlow’s Greenbelt” group. The support group included various members of the film industry, and Robert Laycock, CEO of Marlow Film Studios made their case. Committee members questioned each speaker.
Next came a series of technical questions from the Councillors to the Council’s planning advisors.
When it came to the voting, it became quite complicated to agree on what the precise vote being taken was!
In the end
17:02 Motion to APPROVE the application, putting more weight on the socio-economic benefits.– FAILED.
17.04 Motion to support the planning officers’ recommendation and refuse planning permission PASSED
We are not planning experts here at MyMarlow – but we understand there would be a path to appeal, higher up in central government, if the Studio group decided to pursue that.