Chris Sheldon of the Marlow based charity “Bright Tomorrows” sent us this report on the success of their latest fundraiser. They had a great turnout, and it’s good to hear that in times like these, local businesses are still willing to lend their support to a good cause. Here’s what Chris said:
The 8th Annual “Teas and More” event was held at Sutherly, Marlow Common over the period 23rd to 27th of July. The weekend of 23rd – 24th July was the busiest ever, helped by a mixture of good weather and greater promotional activity. We served at least a couple of hundred teas over the weekend, cleared out every Tombola prize we had, and successfully realised £1000 through the auction of vouchers and goods donated by restaurants, beauty salons and other retail outlets based here in Marlow. In total 39 local businesses supported the event ranging from gifts for the Tombola stall, to scones for the cream teas and an overnight stay in a local Hotel.
The laughter and cheers every time someone succeeded at the “Clear the Cans” game was the only distraction from the peace and quiet enjoyed by those indulging in our cream teas and home made cakes. The craft stall, plant sales, and putting course, all contributed to the events success as well as helping generate the relaxing garden fete atmosphere.
On Wednesday 27th we entertained a group of ladies from Marlow Bottom WI . They were entertained by our daughter Sarah White (the founder of Bright Tomorrows charity) on keyboards and two of our grandchildren Lois and Harvey Barber on Keyboards and Trumpet respectively
The net result of all of this was the raising of just over £3000 towards the current projects supported by Bright Tomorrows [as reported in our previous blog] . These new funds ensure the costs of the project in Haiti are now covered and all concerned look forward to going there in October to build a shelter for 45 children.