Local society “Archaeology In Marlow” (AIM) have been carrying out excavations in Warren Wood – which is located on private property off Winchbottom Lane, Little Marlow– and John Laker of the society has provided the following update, together with details on how you can take part.
Following on from AIM’s ROMADAM Project, which investigated four local archaeological sites from 2004 to 2008, AIM decided to investigate the double enclosure at Warren Wood in more detail and to try to date the site accurately.
A plan was put to the Archaeological Department at Bucks County Council. The plan was to open four 1 x 1 metre test pits in the inner enclosure and another four in the outer enclosure. So, on St. Valentine’s Day in 2010 AIM began their investigations at Warren Wood. Since then another 35 visits to the site have taken place.
So far, over 42 kilograms of roof tile has been excavated, along with more than 2.5 kilograms of pottery sherds/pieces. Once the dig has been completed, the pottery will be sent off for professional identification as it is likely that these will give us accurate dates for the site.
We intend to continue our investigations on Sunday the 2nd and 16th of October and possibly the 30th, if work still remains.
Visitors are welcome, and training will be given in all aspects of archaeology. No experience is needed, but please contact John Laker, (Tel 01628 481792, email – johnlaker@thamesinternet.com), if you wish to come along on any of the days we are due to visit the site.
I would be particularly interested in attending the 30th October excavations, if there is outstanding work. I surveyed and researched the earthworks some years ago as part of an ameteur project covering medieval ditched enclosures in the Chilterns (I have an unpublished ‘mini-monograph’ conssting of an overview and gazetteer of these sites whichI can photocopy on request). I am now in my third year at the Institute of Archaeology, UCL and have completed my 70 days fieldwork.
Yours sincerely, Daniel Secker
Hi Dan – just come across this. Would be good to make contact with you about Warren Wood please.