Kobika Starlights win bid to compete at World Championships!

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kobikaLocal cheerleading squad, The Kobika Starlites are buzzing with the news that some of their teammates will be competing at the World Cheerleading Championships in Berlin this November.

The Starlites captivated the judges at both the UKCA National Cheerleading competition in March and more recently at the European Championships held in Croatia.   The Cheer Dance squad who placed 3rd at the Europeans, later learned that they had won a bid for the Worlds to represent the UK!

The Starlites are also celebrating the news that 2 of their squad are now European champions. Emily Eyre from Great Marlow School and Kate Markwell from Sir William Borlase were stunning in their cheer dance doubles routine and were delighted with their win. With 2 more double teams placing 3rd and 4th, the whole squad had much to celebrate on the evening of their success. Not wanting to be outdone the Kobika Dance Youth Company have been selected to perform at the O2 in London after winning the Dance Make Your Move 2015 Regional finals in Oxford last weekend.

Katie Cobie, Head Coach and creative director of Kobika said “I am overwhelmed with the success achieved this year and I am so incredibly proud of all my wonderful Starlites and dancers”

For more information on The Kobika Starlites Cheerleading Academy or Kobika Dance visit www.kobikadance.co.uk



Article author: Paul Merchant

About the author: Founded MyMarlow.co.uk in its original version back in 2000 - yes the internet DID exist back then. Brought up in Marlow, went to school here, now has children at the same schools. Quite clearly loves all things Marlow - hence spending over 2 decades doing this!

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