22nd June marks World Osteopathy Day, when osteopaths from around the country will be raising awareness of how they can support the health of people in their local communities.
Around 30,000 people currently consult osteopaths every working day. Patients include children, older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women, children and sports people.
Patients seek treatment for a wide variety of conditions, including back pain, changes to posture in pregnancy, postural problems caused by driving or work strain, the pain of arthritis and minor sports injuries.
Osteopaths use a combination of movement, stretching, targeted deep tissue massage and manipulation of a person’s muscles and joints to improve function, relieve pain and aid recovery. They also provide advice on posture, lifestyle and exercise to support healing, promote health and prevent symptoms from recurring.
Osteopaths also work closely with other health care professionals, providing onward referral if required.
Jenny Knott, registered Osteopath, of Oak Tree Osteopathy in Marlow has been a practicing osteopath for over 9 years. Jenny is the proud new owner of Oak Tree Osteopathy and also works at the Castle Street Clinic in High Wycombe. She is passionate about helping people to recover from injury, aches and pain to lead a fulfilling life, whether it is helping people with work related strains or sporting injuries, she is determined to get you better. Her purpose build Norwegian log cabin is the perfect place for a calming treatment.
To find out more information about Jenny and her practice please visit her Facebook page @OakTreeOsteopathy and coming soon www.oaktreeosteopathy.co.uk