Marlow Town Mayor Chris Funnell has chosen his charitable cause for this year: to support Marlow’s schools in their battle against mental health issues in children and teenagers.
“I want to support Marlow’s schools, teachers and helpers with the huge challenge caused by the increasing number of children and teenagers struggling with mental health issues,” he says. “I would like to raise funds to empower and support teachers and other child professionals in Marlow schools. They need to be supported to help recognise children and teenagers who are suffering, and we want to enable them to provide the earliest possible intervention through organisations that can support them.
“I would be enormously grateful for your financial support as we get this into action .”
Mental health problems affect about 1 in 10 children and young people, to get this into perspective this means in a typical class potentially 3 children have an issue according to the Mental Health Foundation. They include depression, anxiety and conduct disorder, and are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives.
Teachers’ leaders have said schools are at a crunch point in terms of the mental health challenge facing classrooms, saying they feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. The warnings were made as thousands of students headed back to school after the summer holidays.
Details for donations are as follows: please either contact or make a direct contribution to the Town Mayor’s charity account, No. 03635900; sort code 30 95 36.