Proposed NEW restaurant/bar/hotel for Marlow

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A new planning application has been submitted to convert 65 High Street to use as a
restaurant and bar on the ground floor and 5 bedrooms on the upper floor.

The prominent building is currently used to house offices for various companies. These plans do not mean that existing businesses located there will be closing, but will able to relocate. For example, D&G Travel, whose logo can be seen in our photo will still very much be continuing!

Our usual caveat!

The plans themselves are very detailed, and quite specific – but as we always say.. its just a planning application at this stage, and it’s very early days! We have seen comprehensive plans for new pubs before (eg the Old Crown/Steam Trading) which came to nothing, so we will see. But we will of course keep you posted!

Extracts from the application:

“Change of use of this building from a collection of various commercial uses to a bar
and restaurant with rooms for guests seems appropriate for this substantial building set
within Marlow’s vibrant High Street”

“It is expected that the entrance to the bar/restaurant from the side alley will become the
usual entrance and, as part of these proposals, it is proposed to raise the levels to
provide a level access into the building. In doing this, it is also proposed to resurface the
first part of the alley”

“Owing to the main stepped entrance, a new, level accessible entrance will be located
along the side access in place of an existing window”

“At first floor level, five en-suite guest bedrooms would be provided together with a
breakfast and function room”

Plans, as publicly available on the Planning Application

The plans below give an idea of the scale of the proposed restaurant

Restaurant seating, with a smaller bar area
5 bedrooms on the upper floor
No change from the front, aside from an arch – leading to the proposed new side entrance.

Article author: Paul Merchant

About the author: Founded in its original version back in 2000 - yes the internet DID exist back then. Brought up in Marlow, went to school here, now has children at the same schools. Quite clearly loves all things Marlow - hence spending over 2 decades doing this!

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