Less than a fortnight after Marlow Town Council inaugurated its new water bottle filling station on the Causeway, another public water point has been opened by Christ Church United Reformed Church on Oxford Road. The project was led by the church and supported by a grant from the council.
The first bottle was filled on 30th October by the Mayor of Marlow, Councillor Richard Scott, with the support also of the Leader of the Council, Cllr Jocelyn Towns.
The church was represented by Revd David Downing and the Church Secretary, Mrs Valerie Brownridge.

The new bottle filler is at the entrance to the garden of Christ Church URC. The garden is provided by the church for public use and, since opening a new entrance back in June, has become a place of peace and relaxation for many more passers-by. Now they can also refresh themselves with a drink of water!
Cllr Scott said that it was really important for the town to be able to give both residents and visitors easy access to clean water, keeping up progress in reducing the huge number of plastic bottles that are thrown away each year. Cllr Towns added that the provision of these on-street bottle fillers was especially valuable as Covid restrictions had limited access to refill opportunities in pubs and cafés.