Fifteen months on from the funeral and celebration of Ian “Rocky” Richmond’s life held at Marlow Rugby club following his death at the age of 77, the surplus funds from the generous donations of those who contributed towards giving Ian a fully deserved send off have been donated to two very important local charities.
Roger Keys, a friend of Ian and Bucks County Representative for Marlow Rugby Club, said “Such was the magnificent and generous response to that appeal by Ian’s friends, within and outside the Marlow Club, that it generated a surplus once the costs of the funeral service and reception had been settled.”
“It was agreed by the 6 Club Members organising and designing the event that these should be gifted to the rugby charity, the Wooden Spoon and to another local, community-based charity.”
“To this end we have eventually decided to help Wycombe Homeless Connection. This is a charity that helps people who are homeless and acts to stop people from becoming homeless in the first place. They work across south Buckinghamshire offering direct help and free, independent legal advice. It supports those who have lost or are worried about losing their homes.”
You can find out more about Wooden Spoon and Wycombe Homeless Connection on their websites.
Heather Stanley, the Fundraising and Marketing Manager for Wycombe Homeless Connection said, ““After hearing about ‘Rocky’, his life and the impact he had on those who knew him and had given in his memory, it was clear Wycombe Homeless Connection could put Marlow Rugby Club’s generous gift towards helping people who face some of the same challenges that he did.”
“We work closely with rough sleepers who face complex challenges, particularly with their mental and physical health. Our Homeless Health support worker, who spent over 35 years as a registered nurse, works with people helping them get the healthcare and support they need.
“This can include registering them with a GP and helping them talk to their doctor, while sorting out all the ID and social support they need to get their prescriptions and treatment. It can also include helping them get dental treatment and making sure if they do end up in hospital they are discharged somewhere safe and suitable. Too often people who don’t ‘fit’ don’t get the help they need and are entitled to, so we make sure they do.”