Marlow Bridge to be closed for more bollard work from Mon 15 Feb!

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Marlow Bridge will be closed to road traffic day and night from Monday 15th Feb at 09:30 – Friday 19th Feb at 15:30 for work on the bollards, to further prevent HGVs passing. Access will be maintained for pedestrians and cyclists

The detail…

From Monday 15 February to Friday 19 February 2021, Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) will be carrying out enhancement works to the width restriction bollards located at each end of Marlow Suspension Bridge.

In November 2018, TfB installed more robust bollards at Marlow Bridge which created a narrower gap than the previous bollards. This was done with the aim of preventing HGVs from crossing the bridge. It also involved lengthening the traffic islands on each approach to assist drivers when aligning their vehicles through the narrow space between the bollards.

Since the implementation of this prevention scheme, TfB has been monitoring the use of the bridge to understand how successful the new measures have been. It has been found that while the new bollards have helped prevent or deter the largest HGVs from using the bridge, smaller HGVs are still crossing.

To carry out these further works safely, the bridge and Bisham Road will be closed day and night to vehicles with a diversion route in place, however access will be maintained for pedestrians and cyclists. The closure will be implemented from 09:30 on Monday 15 February and will be lifted by 15:30 on Friday 19 February.

Whilst the closure is in place, TfB will also be carrying out some work with the streetlighting team to improve the lighting in the bridge area.

Buckinghamshire Council’s Head of Highways Dave Roberts said “Marlow bridge is an iconic highways structure and we are keen to protect it from damage. Our team has been working hard to reach a practical solution to the issue of unsuitable vehicles attempting to cross the bridge and I am confident that we are getting closer to achieving a result everyone is happy with.”

Article author: Paul Merchant

About the author: Founded in its original version back in 2000 - yes the internet DID exist back then. Brought up in Marlow, went to school here, now has children at the same schools. Quite clearly loves all things Marlow - hence spending over 2 decades doing this!

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