Buckinghamshire Council has today launched a “quietway” on Trinity Road for an initial trial duration of six months. A quietway uses point closures to help create a quieter street for everyone, encouraging cycling and walking. Following a public consultation, it was agreed to implement the scheme during April 2021 as the majority of feedback received supported the scheme.
The closure points ensure existing vehicle access is maintained for all residential and business properties along Trinity Road. Access to Dean Street car park is maintained, accessible from Dean Street only.

Through-traffic is required to divert via Dean Street and Wethered Road. As part of the trial scheme, additional signage is installed to improve integration with the existing cycle route through the park, which joins Trinity Road, and lining on the road within the area of the point closures has been refreshed.
One of a number of “active travel schemes”
This is one of a range of temporary/emergency “active travel schemes” across the county. The schemes aim to encourage residents to undertake more local journeys by foot and by bike. This could have longer-term benefits, including:
- reduced congestion
- improved air quality
- improved community cohesion
- better public health
The schemes will also help to contribute to our policy in combating climate change.
Schemes may be ‘tweaked’ following implementation in response to feedback and performance.
Feedback sought
Bucks Council is seeking views on whether any specific schemes, like this should be converted to permanent improvements. Give your feedback here: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-transport/active-travel/active-travel-feedback/