Buckinghamshire Council has REFUSED an application for an 18 metre high 5G mast to be installed along Henley Road. The application receiving approx 250 objections from local residents, quite a staggering amount!
There was also an objection from our MP Joy Morrissey, summing up the key issues:
One highly detailed objection letter from Hub Telecoms/ Boyer Planning on behalf of a group of residents shows the type of pole being proposed:
Extracts of formal refusal notice:
“Buckinghamshire Council has determined that prior approval of the Local Planning Authority is REQUIRED and REFUSED for the siting and appearance of the development permitted by Part 16 of Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended)
Buckinghamshire Council hereby refuse approval for the siting and appearance of the development proposed in the above-mentioned application for the following reasons:
The proposed mast would be located in a prominent location adjacent to Henley Road on one of the main approaches into the town of Marlow. By virtue of its siting and appearance, including its location adjacent to the carriageway and footway, and the grey colour of the cabinets and mast, the development would appear unduly obtrusive in the street scene, particularly in the winter months, and as such would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area.
The Council is not satisfied, on the basis of the information provided, that the applicant has fully explored all alternative siting options and that a suitable site which would have less visual impact is not available. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policies CP9 (Sense of Place), DM 20 (Matters to be determined in Accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework) and DM 35 (Placemaking and Design Quality) of the adopted Wycombe District Local Plan (2019) and guidance in section 10 (Supporting High Quality Communications) of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019).”