We know you are all keen to hear updates on the planned Everyman Cinema, especially since things seem very quiet at the site ( old Crown pub / Steamer Trading Cookshop)
To summarise so far
- March 2020 we reported on the original planning application (scroll down for details)
- July 2020 we reported that planning had been approved.
- ……….Covid and lockdown, all went quiet…….
- Sep 2021 a new planning document related to technicalities of archaeological work required as part of the original planning approval was submitted, given us fresh hope the plans were still alive!
Now in December 2021 we have now seen a new planning document submitted – linked to this proposal, making clear Everyman is still very much wanting to proceed with the project!
Dec 2021: Details of the new planing document
The application is for further work now planned, specifically installation of part-covered mezzanine to first floor:
“The application proposals relate to the first-floor assembly room only, which is a double height space with a small balcony and stairs leading to the street. “
“………. a small mezzanine level of approx. 16sqm providing around 10 seats will be provided. This is a very modest amount of new floorspace but key to Everyman in providing a full customer experience.”
Aside from that the text includes a superb description of the Everyman Concept
“The ingoing tenant, Everyman, is a boutique cinema chain with 35 cinemas throughout the UK. Each cinema offers the same well known Everyman cinematic experience throughout. This experience includes high quality food and drink, whilst sitting in comfy sofas, providing a ‘homey feel’ in a luxury environment. Everyman’s offer includes a number of blockbuster and arthouse films, live Q&As, film festivals and other special events. Most of the cinemas include a licensed bar, food, digital projection and surround sound technology.”
Previous related article and updates:
*Updated article September 2021
The original Planning Approval included a clause saying “In the event that ground reduction is required in association with the redevelopment of the rear extension, an archaeological watching shall be undertaken in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved in writing by the planning authority before any ground reduction takes place. Reason: In view of the history of the site and the desirability of recording any items of interest.”
That written scheme of Investigation has just been submitted, noting the need for “the observation by a competent archaeologist of all intrusive groundworks associated with the proposed development.”
We have asked Everyman for an update, and will keep you all posted!
*Updated article, published July 2020
The planning application for an Everyman Cinema as the top of Marlow High Street has now been APPROVED. One of the comments submitted in support of the application sums things up nicely we feel:
“This is an excellent use of the building, and a good addition to the town. A number of
business types have tried to use this building – after “The Crown” pub closed, none successfully
unfortunately. As a cinema, it makes use of the long internal unlit space. Its also immediately
adjacent to the car park. Fully support this application.”
We will keep you posted re developments!
We first revealed these proposals back in March, and the full text of that article is reproduced below:
*Original article, published March 27, 2020:
We first mentioned rumours of Everyman Cinema showing an interest in Marlow last year, and we know they had looked at the old Crown pub / Steamer Trading Cookshop (what you call the building will depend on how long you have lived in Marlow!). However, everything then went very quiet for several months….
But now…. we have seen VERY comprehensive plans for 2 screen cinema and restaurant.

In short, the plans involve retaining the historic main part of the building at the front, as we would of course expect – and this would be a two floor restaurant. Then the more modern extensions at the back would be demolished, to allow for construction of 2 cinema screens over 2 floors.
Extracts from the documentation accompanying the proposal:
“The proposed development is for a boutique Cinema, under the Everyman brand“
“Everyman Cinemas are a leading independent cinema group in the UK, providing a premium cinema
and leisure experience. The company prides itself in providing great food, drink, atmosphere, service
and of course film.“
“We believe the introduction of a cinema in this location would be a great addition to Marlow and the
Town Centre.“
At MyMarlow we certainly agree with that final point – what an exciting idea for Marlow town centre!
You may recall that the same building has seen previous detailed plans for a high end pub – called the Lost and Found, as we first revealed back in 2017. That was approved, but then the owners were made an offer they couldn’t refuse for the property, they sold it and it has sat unused ever since. So, plans don’t always work out… and with the Covid-19 outbreak we are in uncertain times!

Although.. Everyman DO seem quite keen on the idea 😉
Extract of publicly available plans:
The two images below are taken from the publicly published images which were part of the panning application. Check out those 2 screens…. and restaurant!
MyMarlow view

This is such exciting news, and we all need a bit of good news right now. We hope that this becomes a reality, especially since the historic building has been empty for far too long- around two years.
Of course, we will keep you posted as this all develops. We have fingers and everything crossed!!