Last night there were two important Marlow Town Council meetings, held one after the other at Court Garden- including the voting in of a new mayoral team.
First order of business was the Annual Parish meeting at 7pm. Outgoing Mayor Richard Scott presented a report on the Council’s activities over the last year and took questions from residents who attended the meeting. The main issue raised related to the use of Higginson Park for events, and the impact on the state of the grass. Mayor Scott noted that the Bucks Council had, as a result of complaints, added a new clause for events, requiring them to pay for any damage to the grass. This was the cause of the recent May Fayre and Coronation Celebrations being cancelled, since the charitable Round Table could not afford the risk in the wet conditions. Marlow Town Council are liaising with Bucks to try and ensure similar charitable events can go ahead without such risks.
There were also a couple of deserved presentations – firstly a gift to Jan Bailey, who recently retired from the Town Council staff after 22 years’ service! Flowers were also presented to Joan Jenkins, a Marlow resident who in 12 days’ time will turn 100, and Joan stood up and gave a short speech.
Then the formal Annual Meeting took place when the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and various Council committee members were elected. The photos below show outgoing mayor Richard Scott handing over the chains of office to our new Mayor, David Brown – and there was a similar handover from Jocelyn Towns to Colleen Stapley as Deputy Mayor (both also in the second photo)
Who is our new Mayoral team?
Marlow’s new Mayor is Cllr David Brown, and our new Deputy Mayor is Cllr Colleen Stapley.
Both the mayor and deputy mayor live in Marlow, work full time, and have children at local schools. We believe they are the youngest to take on these roles in Marlow in quite some time!
Chris Funnell Leader of Marlow Town Council told us “I am delighted that our future council sees the appointment of Cllr David brown as our new Mayor and Cllr Colleen Stapley as our new deputy Mayor .Our next generation council is critical to our future so great to be seeing new councillors stepping up to do this critical volunteers role”
The second photo here shows the Mayor and Deputy with Chris Funnell, Leader of the Council on the left and Chris Hoyle , Deputy Leader on the right.
Biographies from the Marlovian Magazine
The following bios were published in the Marlovian Magazine in 2021 when both were first elected to the Council. So a couple of years out of date, but give some idea of the individuals behind the titles.