“7,500 votes only count as one” says Bucks County Council

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Despite overwhelming support for Marlow Town Council’s ‘Say No to Paid Parking’ campaign, all 7,500 votes in the petition only count as one, according to Bucks County Council (BCC), which wants to push on with the plan.

Marlow residents and visitors from throughout the area said a resounding ‘NO’ to Bucks County Council’s plan to instigate paid-for parking in the centre of the town late last year. Marlow Town Council is now urging people to ‘Say Why’ in a new campaign to satisfy the next stage of consultation.

“It’s clear from the reaction of the people of Marlow that the vast majority are against paid-for on-street parking. But their votes – all 7,500 of them – are being counted as only one,” Mayor Jocelyn Towns said. “That doesn’t seem right and we’re protesting against it.

“But there’s still time for us to stop this plan – by coming out in force to give the reasons WHY we’re against it. We’re calling on everyone who voted – and more – to participate in the consultation and give their reasons for saying no. By doing this we’ll prove to BCC that our petition has value – when we said NO, we meant NO.”

The Consultation on paid-for parking on the High Street and surrounding roads is planned to take place from 9th February – 10th March, with a drop-in session at Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School on Thursday, 15th February from 1.30 – 7.30 pm.

The online link for people to have their say will be made public on Friday, 9th February. Any responses prior to this will not be counted.

2 thoughts on ““7,500 votes only count as one” says Bucks County Council”

  1. 7500 votes only to count as 1 say BCC
    How dare they that!! How dare they come to such a conclusion !
    What sort of democracy do we live in ?
    As an ordinary citizen of Marlow I was very pleased to be one of the many helpers to collect the signatures for the Petition against the BCC proposals for Parking Meters in the centre of Marlow .
    The petition was all conducted in a completely open and above board manor , and at times I had a line up of people wanting to add their names to the list , so strong was the feeling against this completely unwanted , unnecessary, and unjustified scheme .
    Whilst We must keep up the fight against this scheme,and make sure it does not go ahead , it makes you wonder if anybody at BCC ever listens to what the people ever say .

  2. Haven’t you all realised yet that we do NOT live in a democracy, it’s hear say!!!!,
    Something they like to talk about but do not actually put into action.
    If the council/government ask our opinion on something, it’s merely to try and shut us up ,muzzle us because quite simply, if they ask, you know, THE DEAL HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE!!! We are on a hiding to nothing ad nowhere from the outset, same as with HS2, it was a done deal before the general public(who pay for everything) had even heard of it!!.

    So, are surprised re the Marlow parking scam, no, well, I’m not.
    I drive to Marlow once a week to have lunch with my son and pop into OKA The White Company and Jojo Mumam Bebe, if the fee to park comes into force, I’ll abandon my weekly trip in protest, even though it won’t be heard or felt!.
    I’ll miss my lunch in Burgers also!.

    Good luck Marlow residents.
    Ms L Rose.

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Article author: Paul Merchant

About the author: Founded MyMarlow.co.uk in its original version back in 2000 - yes the internet DID exist back then. Brought up in Marlow, went to school here, now has children at the same schools. Quite clearly loves all things Marlow - hence spending over 2 decades doing this!

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