In Oct 2020, a Planning Application was submitted by Red Kite Community Housing for the “Demolition of existing garages and the provision of 4 dwellings with associated access and landscape” at the Garage Site, Marefield Road”
This application has now been REFUSED by Bucks Council.
Background, and reasons for Refusal
The garage block, and patch of grass behind are located here:
For context, this is the front and rear view
The proposal would have taken over this whole site, losing the garages, parking area, and grass strip alongside the footpath
There were many objections from residents, and this extract is typical:
“The application suggests the current garages are vacant, however this is solely due to Red Kite
evicting the tenants of these garages earlier this year. Since then, parking has been extremely
difficult in the already congested surrounding roads, with cars parking on the green verges of
Marefield Road, which is both unsightly and dangerous”
The specific reasons for refusal by Bucks Council were (edited for brevity):
- “… the redevelopment of the garage court would result in the loss of an area of land which has the function of providing off-street parking for local residents. The proposed redevelopment would remove the parking use from this land thereby resulting in displaced parking on to the highway in an area that is already subject to intensive on-street parking. ….”
- ” the scale of development proposed … would result in overdevelopment to the
detriment of the character and appearance of the area and the amenities of local residents. The access and surrounding roads are too narrow to comfortably accommodate the additional traffic to serve the new dwellings, particularly in relation to larger vehicles including delivery, refuse and emergency vehicles. In addition, the new buildings, by virtue of their proximity to existing properties, would be overbearing in appearance to neighbouring residents….”