First a round up of recent restaurant & bar planning news
Work is well underway on building the new restaurant just to the side or Marks and Spencers, as previously reported back in June.
Last month we reported on Lloyds Bank building being converted into a new bar – “Baroosh”
A previous blog reported on planning consent being granted in Feb 2011 for the premises at 52 West Street (on corner of West St/Oxford Road – opposite Platts garage) for change of use from residential to restaurant. Since then, the place has remained for sale – so it does not mean that there will definitely be a new restaurant there.
And here’s the latest addition…
Just a few doors up from 52 West St mentioned above is ANOTHER LOCATION with similar permission – converting from office use to restaurant/bar!
The offices occupying 10-12 Oxford Street, are also just 2 doors down from the Claytons.
The plans show a small seating area at the front, opening out at the back to an atrium area with more seating. Upstairs is a small private dining room leading out onto a roof terrace.
Background documents to the application state:
“The proposed change of use would bring this vacant office unit into beneficial use and will prevent it from potentially falling into disrepair or continue to remain vacant for a prolonged period of time and not contribute to the vitality of the Marlow Town Centre (marketing the property as offices has been unsuccessful).”
The plans are available here, or to see more of the documents yourself go to the WDC Planning site, and search for “11/06915/FUL”.
Like 52 West Street, as yet no-one has taken up the property, it simply has the planning to make it a more attractive proposition for the owners to market. What do you think of the idea?
Just what marlow needs! Yet another food place! How about making the rates more affordable to niche businesses, which will bring something new to marlow and make it great again? Oh yes, that would be too sensible and not make enough money…
Can’t agree with Sam Watson more, alas I don’t think it will ever happen.
More niche shops would come to Marlow if people used the ones we currently have.