Marlow is being inundated by floods… I think we all know that now – its even featured on the national news.
We have been sharing some amazing photos – including some very unique aerial shots on our Facebook and Twitter feeds, so check those out by all means. And of course there is our gallery of photos form January, before the flooding was anything like as severe as it is now.
Now here is something different – and many thanks to Mark Harris who did ALL the work on this, and was kind enough to share it with us!
The BBC have a video of a helicopter flight along the flooded Thames, which can be viewed in full here – our area starts to feature around the 2:50 point. (At this point we should clearly note the BBCs copyright on the images, and say: we love you BBC, please don’t sue our lovely little site)
Mark took screen grabs, then compared images to Google earth to note where the river SHOULD be! Clever! Here you go, starting at Bourne End – remember , the red areas mark where the river SHOULD be!
Again – many thanks to Mark Harris for this superb effort.
Thank you for this.
Wow, incredible pictures… Looks even worse from that high up! Great job Mark.
Awesome pics….can anyone tell me if the Compleat Angler is open and accessible?
Wow so much water please send it us on Eastern side of Australia….nsw hope you dry out soon best wishes