Collaboration on Marlow parking, but on-street charges still on the table..

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Collaboration on Marlow parking  – a step forward!

Marlow Town Council (MTC) has advised us that on Wednesday, 17th January, a meeting on parking collaboration took place between themselves, Bucks County Council (BCC), and Wycombe District Council (WDC).  MTC was represented by Jocelyn Towns, Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor Chris Funnell.

At the meeting, which MTC initiated, they reached agreement for all three parties to collaborate on the parking issues in Marlow.  This might seem like common sense, but BCC are responsible for our roads, and WDC deal with the car parks – MTC have been pushing for some joined up thinking in this area for some time.

Jocelyn Towns said: “This was a historic day that we have fought for and we’re delighted that we now have a forum to move forward. The meeting was a great success.

“It’s been a long time coming, but now we have started the ball rolling, we will work closely with both Councils to find a way forward for Marlow. The other Councils listened to our issues, and I have great faith in this team.”

…. but charges for on-street parking still on the table.

say no to parking charges in marlowAlthough the above is good news, the already planned Consultation on paid-for parking on the High Street and surrounding roads will go ahead and is planned for 9th February – 10th March.  (For the back story on these proposals from BCC, which are strongly objected to by MTC and others, read here)

After discussions with BCC, MTC has persuaded them to move the date of the public consultation drop-in session away from Valentine’s Day to February 15th

The session will run from 1.30 pm until 7.30pm in the Hall at Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School. Officers from BCC will have hard copies of the proposed plans on display and will take public comments both on paper and electronically.

Jocelyn Towns, Marlow Town Mayor, says: “It is imperative that everyone who signed the petition to say NO completes the consultation to say WHY.  BCC will launch the consultation on February 9th and we will have more information then but in the meantime please put February 15th firmly in your diaries.”

1 thought on “Collaboration on Marlow parking, but on-street charges still on the table..”

  1. Parking meters are ugly and would detract from the appearance of the High Street. Many people only want
    to stop for a few minutes and meters would destroy this possibility. To post a letter, to bring or collect
    children from nursery at the Church Hall, and many other activities there. To have meters near to the church
    gates would be a real problem for funerals and for weddings, and parking for church services, especially for
    elderly and disabled people.
    Why should Marlow pay for a County-wide problem, which would surely have an adverse effect on trade in the town.
    The Town Council is against the plan. Surely local opinions matter? And 7,500 people who signed the petition!

    What Marlow needs is a mini `Park and Ride`, perhaps from near the Fire Station or on the Industrial Estate near there.

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Article author: Paul Merchant

About the author: Founded in its original version back in 2000 - yes the internet DID exist back then. Brought up in Marlow, went to school here, now has children at the same schools. Quite clearly loves all things Marlow - hence spending over 2 decades doing this!

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