** Original post from 9pm Sunday 15th Septmeber
We have been passed a shocking photo showing the Royal Oak pub is on fire.
In addition, a diner contacted us to say “My husband and I were just at the Royal Oak pub for dinner and we were evacuated, upstairs was on fire …….. We saw three fire engines arrive and the police” The diner also noted “One of the waitresses in the car park suggested it might have been caused by a tumble drier upstairs.” but of course it is too early to confirm this.
Marlow Fire Brigade confirmed the attendance of 6 fire engines.
Truly horrible to see such a beautiful building in flames, and of course we hope that everyone involved is at least safe.
** 9.40pm update from the owners:
“Hi everyone, Just to let you know, it looks like the fire is under control, but we will know more later. Most important is that everyone is safe! Thanks so much for all your kind words and rest assured we will be back to normal just as soon as us humanly possible!
Becky & David xxx”
** 8.00am Monday 16th Sep update
We have photos of the exterior, showing the damage to the roof, which looks severe. Thankfully, elsewhere around the pub – the other parts of the building seem unaffected. We can only hope that the interior damage is likewise restricted.
the externally visible damages in the roof close up of damaged roof from the front, thankfully things look ok
The Royal Oak official Facebook page contained an update:
“First up and most importantly, nobody was hurt, we are all well and the fire appears to be out. The fabulous chaps from the Fire Brigade are still damping down and we cannot thank them enough for everything they have done tonight.
We are absolutely gutted to see our beautiful pub in such bad shape, but it is the people that make this such a wonderful institution: our amazing staff and you, our loyal customers and with your support we will prevail.
It will be some time before we can open our doors again, but we will know more over the coming days.
Thank you so much for all the kind words and lovely messages we have received. It has really helped ease what has been a very difficult few hours.
We will of course keep you posted on our progress, so do keep a look out for news. “
I would like to know if The Royal Oak, Marlow will be open for Christmas Lunch and if I may book.