The Gunthorpe Road community celebrated today as iconic trees are permanently protected.
Back in April neighbours came out in force as contractors arrived one morning, without notice to residents, to fell the three black pines and one maple that have stood proudly on the corner of Gunthorpe Road for decades.

The community sprung into action with passionate protesters standing beneath the trees, preventing the contractors (who were following orders) from continuing their work.
Meanwhile, Marlow Town Council were contacted directly, and to their great credit worked hard behind the scenes to secure an emergency Tree Protection Order (“TPO”) under the Town and Country Planning Acy 1990, which was granted for only 28 days.
Local children designed posters which were attached to the tree trunks, urging residents to submit their support to Marlow Town Council, and the whole community pulled together to ensure that their voices were heard by both Marlow Town and Wycombe District councils, and by the landowners, Red Kite Community Housing.
Resident Melinda Livett, who led the efforts on the ground along with Gayna McCorquodale, Gill Simmons and many others, said:
“The trees are a beautiful, healthy landmark feature for Gunthorpe estate and for wildlife too. Thank goodness for Marlow Town Council!”
WDC concluded the matter today, with a message from Mrs Liz Hornby, Senior Democratic Services Officer:
“I can confirm that the Tree Preservation Order 21/2019 has now been confirmed without any modifications dated 29/05/2019 following that no objections were received from Red Kite Community Housing Ltd within the statutary time period.”
Any other works being carried out are for health and safety reasons (due to diseased, rotten or overgrown trees), and Red Kite have reassured residents that no further felling is planned.
As a long-time local resident, this MyMarlow correspondent is personally very grateful to everyone who pulled out all the stops to Save Our Trees!
This is fantastic news for the area, and goes to show what can be accomplished when a community comes together for a good cause! Well done all.
Well done. Shame it would appear that Borlase are to be allowed to fell three mature sycamore trees. Wycombe district council evidently don’t care about the environment as much as Marlow council.